The Path Of Darkness

To walk down the path of Darkness is for the seekers of the hidden, those who are knowledgeable mentally and spirituality as well as those feel attracted to a darker nature. For it is in all, though if you truly try to understand the darkness you will see that everything that is of a darker nature isn't evil, nor should it be something you should shrudder or withdraw from. Certainly there are many things which are and some may seem scary, monstorus, odd, or even evil. Though they are yet to be understood by conventional means or systems. I would go on even further to say that the Darkness was here before Lucifer/Satan was even cast down from the Heavens for those who like to equate Satan with everything dark. The Great Spirit even created the Darkness and the Darkness is there for a reason and if you truly seek it then many special and great wisdom will be bestowed upon thee, though if you choose to ignore it and follow the path of most (mainstream/sheep) then you will never truly understand and you will base everything on how others percieve things. In other words you will only see things from the surface or from a surface value point. The same will be said of the dabbler because if one may like or flirt with certain aspects of the dark you will only see it from a glance. Though there are many perspectives in total you will never understand the true depth or true meaning.
It is important that if you wish to walk down The Path Of Darkness you will have to understannd that it isn't easy and others will try to mock or make fun of you but that comes with the terrioty and it is expected. You are going through change mentally and soon spiritually along your path to something even greater than what you once were. Most will not understand your choice and don't understand why you gave up who you once were in the past. Your outlook has changed and you are still going through a slow but sudden metamorphisis and for some this is a very turbulant time in their life. However the more you seek and more that is in your aligment will show you and teach you more. At this point you now accpet that things aren't always going to be pretty or shown in a what they call normal light, and you now accept the unknown or the mysterious side. In this matrix that we call life we have been taught by our families, educational and reilgious structures and foundations to fear the dark or everything that is black is evil though you see past the lies and now you have awakened to the truth! So instead of point A, you choose point B, instead of left, you choose right, instead of day you choose night etc...You decided to break that mold that is held so highly in the normal tradition. To some similar to teenage rebellion but amplified and even better, because you are peering through the veil and you are standing with a greater cause.
It is nothing wrong with taking another route especially if it empowers you because you find the answer to many mysteries ( whether inside or outside organized reilgions.), you will find spiritual empowerment and even enlightment by getting in touch with the inner you that the rest of society tells you to cast away (The Shadow Self as some would call it) ,and to some they will find their very own salvation. Also speaking from self experience I take great pleasure in Darkness and the unknown. I have mentioned here on my website and just about everywhere I am a Goth, a proud Dark Ecletic Pagan, and Occultist. Walking down the path of darkness or simply taking the occult path varies in different degress but all reach a commonality and that is to explore the shadow, whether it may out externally or internally. In the next couple of blogs I will explain more externally vs internally because in whole as within, as without, as so above , as so below. With time and patience it will make sense. So with that I say welcome to all Children and Creatures Of The Night, to the Darklings and yes of course to all newcomers who wish to walk The Path Of Darkness. Blessed Be and Dark dwellings amongst you all--Spiritus Leach "The Dark Prince"