The Rising Of Socialism. Juneteenth Vs July 4th/Black Out Day

As a Black Native American I am proud to say that I celebrate the historical day which is known as Juneteenth that takes place on June 19th and I DO NOT celebrate July 4th which I now rename as Blackout Day .
Why is that? Well Juneteenth is a day that is now a federally recognized holiday in America and it's about time for this event to happen after all of these years since 1865. Still more materialization and much more work needs to be done. However after all of these years the Black race have our own true form of independence from an oppressive system although meanwhile America specifically, Caucasians and some modern day Blacks among other races celebrate July 4th as their independence day from Great Britain since the year of 1776. I do not agree with those who do and as I see things, what did we have to truly to be free from or independent from around those times? Those times when Blacks were still being looked at as inferior (as is today) , slavery was still existing, beatings and rape were taking place on another level. My Native ancestors were basically at war with European immigrants around this time as well and some were more of what the white man would either call peaceful or civilized. From there they have taken part in cultural genocide...Everything from brainwashing and whitewashing our culture and heritage and you could see that clearly throughout history. If it aint white, it aint right is the mentality of some, sadly even within our own race from all the years of brainwashing and whitewashing.
Now some people would say that's years ago why can't I or why can't others like me let it rest. Well after 400 plus years of the continuation of racism unto the present day and much more still sends out echos of the past. We are not going to forget and we are going to remind you every chance that we get because just not too long ago Native American children have been forced into foster homes and given new names and identities and this goes back to even more current times since the 60's, 70's, and still exists today. Blacks Slaves wasn't free until the day of Juneteenth and even then we were still at odds with things here in America, that is why the Civil Rights movement took place. Still the oppression and killings of Black Americans from the very own police force that suppose to protect and serve.. BS and it's well noted that the policing system was based off of the notion to protect white private property owners in the first place since Colonial times. That is why it is hard for me as a Black Native Cherokee/Blackfoot American to give into and blindly follow or celebrate anything that has to do with America which was built off of Native and Black blood. Black and Native Artists, Inventors, Writers and more gave a good contribution into creating America which is a racially tensed and fascist crap hole.
It will be pure hypocrisy for me to celebrate July 4th and proudly waving an American Flag because I feel that the American Flag is almost the same as it's southern pride brother the confederate Flag which has much more of a racist past and history. It should be burnt and I'm glad to see whenever someone does so personally!! So topple over confederate statue for me.. 🙂 Little has changed since then and the North East and West Coast is still more progressive than the Southern Bible Belt States. Little has changed since the time of great speakers and activists such as Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X and other noteworthy militants like the Black Panthers within the creation of the Rainbow Coalition which existed alongside The BPP such as The Young Lords (Which consisted of Latinos), Asian Peril (Which Consisted Of Asian ) and even the White Panthers (Which consisted of you guessed it.. Caucasian/White Americans. ) Don't let anyone tell you that the Black Panthers were racists because if you do you are being lied to and Fred Hampton's mission was to bring everyone together against our Capitalist counterparts may they be White, Black, Latino etc..A Capitalist is a Capitalist-White Republican, Black Republican , White Democrat, Black Democrat and no matter the color and we are against that.
More Information
Angela Davis
(The Black Panther Party)



Denise Oliver Velez
(Young Lords)

The White Panther Party

Leni Sinclair
(The White Panther Party)

Read More Here
The Black Panthers among other groups were the rebels of that time that were truly in for making a real change and not just fix a couple of rotten apples in a crooked system like the Liberals are focused on. Today we have Black Lives Matter and although they are not that militant as others were in the past we still pose the same message of Unity, Equality, and Solidarity. Though anyways it's also funny to me when America had McCarthy in the seat making claims about the Red Scare and promoting the Anti-Socialist/Anti-Communist American Propaganda not to mention all of this talk about how bad the Soviet Union, places like Cuba, Vietnam and the system of Socialism is but back here during the racially segregated times and Civil Rights movement if some Blacks didn't leave to go up North to places like NYC in Harlem or on the West Coast there was a certain percentage of Blacks that actually left this country and said screw it. Even though I also like the fact that most stayed here and fought back because on a reverse note if we all left the racists would completely take over. Though the ones who did move away where did they go......???
Where did they go?...... The USSR -CCCP

They went straight to the Soviet Union because that's were Blacks were actually getting treated fairly in it's non fascist system meanwhile our constitution will still regard Blacks as three fifths of a human being. Hey and get this fun fact...We still call the Presidential office The White House. It is very sad to know and Mother Russia which the United States at the time loved to demonize were actually the ones who didn't care about if a person was Black, White etc everyone was mostly treated equal. Sure there may not have been too many Blacks in the USSR others who are of a different racial or cultural origin may be curious about our culture which isn't bad at all. Some may have a minor incident or two because no matter where you go nowhere is completely perfect but however the Soviet Union was a place to be noted throughout history and time for it's remarkable accomplishments not just it's breakup. Stories from those like Paul Robeson who sung the Soviet Union National Anthem and others who were Black and loved living in the Soviet Union which not to forget had a system that was Socialist at it's heart. Socialism and it's other dreaded brother Communism are different economic, sociological, and political systems where the people own the means of production in contrast to the American system, where a few greedy is on top and value money. So instead it will be workers over bosses, people over corporations, free healthcare for all, Community Housing as Housing is a human right as no one should be homeless. Socialism seeks to have equal rights and Communism seeks to abolish the thought of a boss and landlord altogether with the ultimate goal of eradicating money. Republicans or Conservatives love to keep things as they are, and it says it in their name ----conservative and they keep power over the poor and they have self interest in mind. The Democrats are about the same but they are sly about it, like for example they could say Black Lives Matter all they want but if they don't actually help BLM go about there goals then all is lost. They are not for true change. When I hear people use the phrase EARN A LIVING...I have to tell them stop right there because to me that very phrase is toxic and I will not tolerate people who think like that. I feel that ever since you came out of your Mothers womb on Mother Gaia's Green Earth you should be guaranteed life, a healthy life to live. So if you don't have money for healthcare you shouldn't die or if you are without money you shouldn't be in the street meanwhile this crooked system have more houses than homeless people. That's just a smack in the face and it shows the absurdity of Capitalism. It is clearly and organize system of crime.
You see Socialism is a different system that doesn't leech of the poor, a different system where men and woman are treated as equals and not like this patriarchal system here in the U.S, not to forget Caucasian Women and Blacks couldn't even vote during a certain time. Nowadays people that are 18 and older can vote but the problem here is that it is a two party Capitalist duopoly that hates the idea of third parties such as the Green Party , SPUSA, PSL, CPUSA, to get involved because it breaks their hold. I am not big into voting myself but will for a certain cause. I will explain more on that at another date. I am Anti American Imperialism and how the U.S always seems to start with other countries, sending soldiers over to invade them and cause wars and then have the nerve to turn the tables around like they are pure. Though for I am proud to raise and wave my Socialist Red Flag standing for an uprising here in America.
Here is the reality of Blacks who lived in the Soviet Union -USSR
You see when you live a country that have stripped you of your heritage and culture and say that you now have to live the way they want you to live, and they make sure you cant wear certain ethnic hairstyles to the workplace and then some. A country that gives you White names and names acclimate you into a certain way of thinking, of living, poisoning people minds, especially in the Black race to look down on each other, redlining urban communities where Blacks lives knowing that since they are in proximity to each other they will be more likely due bad deeds, Black on Black Crime etc and don't get me started on the vicious cycle of the justice and prison systems. All of these things are systematically designed for you to fail. Though sadly even some Blacks can't understand why we say Black Lives Matter, and that is due to the fact that they are living in a web of deceit. They are not far from those who think BLM is a racist organization which is totally absurd and it almost took me back to the days when people were saying that about the BPP (The Black Panther Party). I was speaking to someone who was white but claim to have a little black in him ( a culture vulture ) recently who happen to live close by and I had to correct him on this very matter , and not only on this but other issues that he foolishly started to regurgitate out of his mouth but it came to the point in where he displayed his true ignorance and true colors as the more he spoke the more I seen that he was an altogether bigot who feel some type of way about a more factual point of view and of course when you speak facts people would love to try to speak utter nonsense and lies. So my case and point is that people will show themselves. It never fails.
The truth of the matter for those who don't know BLM is talking about a specific form of injustice that mainly affects Black and Ethnic minorities but then you get some foolish people saying and spreading misinformation. When we say BLM we are not excluding those who are in the same struggle so mainly Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Hispanics, Asians and more stand besides BLM because they understand the true message and more than ever before you could see this message of unity whether in a protest or in a riot which I still find beautiful against the pawns of the state and Capitalist's dogs. The ones who are against us is very obvious by making signs saying either All Lives Matter because that over looks our ethnic and independent struggle, and others who make signs or chant White Lives Matter as that is already the case here in America. Then you have some saying even worst like "Blue Lives Matter" which started this current trend of killing Blacks, Natives, and Latinos in the first place. Where I come from and in general the thought is ACAB (ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS) yes that means even the supposed good ones you think are great or the ones saving a little kitten from a tree. I will go into why there is no such thing as a good cop also at another time though I have already mentioned briefly why earlier above. Some may think people are just angry and saying words though it's much deeper than you think based upon a corrupt system. Though anyways white people who are on our side don't say white lives or all lives matter because this is counter productive to the point and real issue that's going on. They join in with us and those who are silent on issues of this magnitude have already made their mistake and clearly shows what side they are on because White Silence is compliance. I also find it funny that those who proclaim White Lives Matter (Not to be confused with White Panther Party or Young Patriots that worked with the Black Panthers) , All Lives Matter, or Blue Lives Matter is in a certain demographic and they are mostly for people like Trump who is an outright racist and bigot. I put them in the same category as I do the American Flag waving Christian loving, Silly Gun Toting, Prideful Patriotic secret in the closet racist. Why does BLM really bothers them? H'mmmmmm

Different race, same case. I feel the struggle on both sides- Spiritus Nocturnus
So when the time of July 4th comes around or any other patriotic occasion comes around instead of having any American Flag around I am quick to fly a BLM or NLM Flag, Black, Red, and Green Flag, (Standing for Black Pride) or Red Socialist or Black and Red Anarchist (Libertarian Socialist) Flag in honor of true equality, Anti Racism, Antifascism and Freedom which I don't see hear in our current U.S.A. This is a beautiful picture of unity and I bet Iraq loves this too. I think I may hang it up on my wall somewhere 😎

My Comrades from Antifa

We are now marching onward were more Millennials, Gen Z ,and Alpha are in favor of a new Socialist Movement. Other past generations who were around our age that were lighting the flames that we still carry today also wanted a new order. The big difference is that we have harder times economically than past generations and we understand instead of working for a Bourgeoisie Boss in this Capitalist's system this is about us as they would say Generation Me, and bettering ourselves and helping each other. Instead of seeing cracks in a supposed healthy system , we see the whole crooked system with big bloody gashes and wounds that are impacted deep within it. Out with the old and in with the new Socialist order and I'm glad to see we are winning major elections, and I would go even further to say I am glad each time someone defaces or destroys Confederate Statues, Flags, and certain Bourgeois property!! I am a for what most who live the status quo American Dream would fear, I am for a new way of life and I am for a Socialist Revolution by any means necessary. I like the thought of the modern day immigrant myself because I don't accept people coming to another's land and setting rules like with our Native history. I don't seek to follow this system but be a problem to it until breaks. Now this is a nation of immigrants may it be Mexicans, Palestinians , etc. We are in a new frame of a cultural acceptance and we are standing our ground while these old racists die out and try to bring down the new ones who are being radicalized on the Right. Lets just say their a Spectre that is haunting America. I am not a hero , I am a Rebel. I am Americas Nightmare!! The ushering of new USA is at hand...Welcome to the new USSA!! United Socialist States Of America!!!
Sincerely ,
--- Spiritus Leach/ Spiritus Nocturnus
