Now is time where I Spiritus (The Dark Prince) would like to give you all a breakdown of what I refer to as Ghoulology and what it means to be a Ghoul/Ghoulette. Now some have seen me use this word quite a few times in songs, poems, online, person and elsewhere and probably thought what does it mean. Well first if we look at the term Ghoul it basically means....
Ghoul: An evil spirit or phantom, especially one supposed to rob graves and feed on dead bodies. A person morbidly interested in death or disaster.
After that you may have some clue of where I am coming from in a sense (No I am not fond of robbing or promoting the robbing of graves, I tend to respect the dead.) The second part of the definition fits part of where I am truly coming from.
Spiritus definition of a Ghoul(Male)/Ghoulette(Female): A morbid being usually another version of Goth who is mostly living a Ghastly, horrid, outlandish, unconventional/undead, liberated life. More towards the Deathrock or Punk or even Victorian side of the spectrum and even more in your face attitude wise. We are more vocal, and speak up against certain injustices and we don’t care where we show up dressed because to Ghouls/Ghoulettes it’s not only a lifestyle but have sort of dark spiritual values as well. They would have to honor a Ghoul like they respect a Nun or a Muslim wearing a Hi-jab --same difference. Even when it comes to music it is usually mostly obscure than forms of alternative music. Not to mention Spiritus has created a genre of music that is called Ghoulwave, with close ties to Gothic Rock/Post-Punk, Darkwave, Horrorsurf, Classical and Pagan Music or more forms of obscure music in general. (I’ll speak more on that soon. Stay tuned Darklings and Creatures.) Mainly a Ghoul is an undead creature of the night who is closely connected with the macabre. They are mostly a Vampire or anything beyond human..etc . Ghouls are not meant to be into the current or the mainstream culture and trends of society although they may see or walk around it, they are supposed to be against the grain in a more rebellious, classical, political and spiritual sense. A Ghouls lifestyle is different
So instead of dark and beautiful, which a Ghoul could sometimes be defined, Think of Ghoulish or the Horror side of life which I am more fond of. A Ghoul lives not in fear of the public and humiliation of showing who they are, instead we are quick to remind you immediately with pride. Ghouls usually came from a rougher side of life, so while others are enjoying their lavishness, conforming to a American dream, or trying to keep up with the kardashins trying to outdo each other we have more of a Socialist idea in mind , among other Ghouls and Ghoulettes having a Ghoulish time sometimes causing a little ruckus against the uptight establishment , and being an American Nightmare. Not saying that Ghouls don’t suppose to strive for the best because by all means that is the purpose. However Ghouls show the world a big difference see the Gothic artist Spiritus (The Dark Prince) for example.
Similar like the ancient legends of monsters of madmen a true Ghoul like Spiritus is beyond human. Similar to the ancient Visi and Ostrogoths of the past, a true Ghoul is mentally barbaric (and don’t mind showing you physically if we have to, not just by looking but acting it out), the Goth look is a resemblance or reflection of the inside soul. Similar to the Aghori sect in India Ghouls perform certain rituals that will equate them with other shadow and dark spirits and we are what most people fear.
So that is mostly my definition of what a Ghoul is and why I refer to myself as one, not just a Black /Native American Trad Goth or Goth. I guess you could call me a Ghoulish Goth or Gothic Ghoul, even though to some the words Ghoul and Goth are basically the same thing, I just tend to put more emphasis on being a Ghoul . Also it could be looked at
more of a extreme form of Goth or Goth revamped that is-with a more spiritual or revolutionary approach. People usually get the wrong impression of me and think since I’m a Goth I suppose to fit in certain known categories of the subculture even though we are all different in our own way, this is my way and t
his is my path. I’m a proud weirdo that don’t mind standing his ground and paving the way for others to do so as well. I’m a GHOUL!

In Darkness I will be waiting, In darkness I will be anticipating -Spiritus Leach "The Dark Prince"