The Afterlife
Sometimes in life we are troubled beyond belief when a loved one happens to pass away. The pain is tremendous and in some cases very traumatic. It really hurts to a nearest relative or friend and we are often left wondering what is next, where do we go from here, How do we continue on etc? Problems may be mounting up back and forth here in the physical because we are left with a thing that is called grief. We can't focus on things too well and the memory of our dearest loved one is still fresh on our minds. Sometimes this can last very long and it is very stressful to deal with, because Death is a very hard pill to swallow. Now for some who maybe wondering what will become of their loved ones now or for those who may think that there is the end. I have news for you...IT ISN'T. One of my greatest messages to tell any and everyone is that Death is only a transformation. It is the transformation process and what we call The Death Angel is sometimes referred to as a PsychoPomp-which translates to a guide. The Death Angel may come in various forms and it's main job is to assist those who just made their transition over to the otherside, The Death Angel is suppose to make that transition process a lot easier. I will speak more about The Angel Of Death and it's role another time but at this moment I am speaking mainly of the existence of the afterlife.
The afterlife has been a great topic for many ages and throughout many cultures and civilizations and in today's society we are once again understanding what the ancients once knew. We are understanding that even though we all have a destiny date with Death, some know this isn't the end. No matter what religion you're into, no matter if you are an outsider or whatever. There is remarkable proof that we have experienced and not just in the mind this also have been external as well. I could say this because of my own experiences and such cases which involves OBE's (Out Of Body Experiences) and NDE's (Near Death Experiences). Those who very close in their fate having profound stories to tell of witnessing the doctors operating on them, some others witnessed people standing over their unconscious body and they have taken note of everything they have witnessed. I personally had certain OBE's as well and if anything I have seen things much clearer while outside of my physical body. It was a very fascinating experience I must say. Beyond this realm of the physical which is in turn not altogether the true reality but nothing more than what people like myself call the matrix.
We have been told that this reality is real because things that we perceive which in turn is molecules moving at a certain rate of speed to make objects appear solid. You see most are not getting the full picture. The chair that you are sitting in, the desk at your table, and more is not what you think because if you stare at it long enough you will be able to see something very shocking. Those with the gift of true sight and have their third eye open can see beyond this physical world and perceive into outside of this matrix and onto our true home from where we came. Even science have declared that energy (which we are) can never be destroyed only converted, so what does this tells you?
We are infinite souls that are having a earthly experience. We will never truly cease to exist and be nothing and we are still conscious after the transformation, I would go on to even say more conscious to better degree. So understand when I speak the words of Death not being the End, but only the beginning. Think about that when you see your deceased family members show up either here in the physical or your dreams. It will be a sign of them usually comforting you telling or showing you that everything is alright. They are better place were there are free to enjoy and explore. It is another beginning and we will seek more pleasure especially by interacting and having more of an understanding about spiritual experiences while we are still here. Death is not the End, It is only the beginning. More to come soon in the meantime. Enjoy yourselves and Blessed Be )0(