October is here/Movie Buddy

October is almost near and that means the dark season will be in full blossom. That also means, the fall leaves colder atmosphere and great horror movies as celebrations as well. Though sadly there are some who can't seem to enjoy the pleasures of the dark season and also some can't even enjoy themselves a good movie.
Movie Buddies-Someone who watches movies with you in person or over a phone.
It makes life a little more pleasurable when we may comes across a movie to watch and it's even more enjoyable to watch a movie with a good friend or family member, though there are some of us who doesn't really enjoy anothers company, at least when it comes to movies. I swear there are some people who don't keep good attention and talking throughout the movie. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a few comments here and there and laughs because to me that is the whole point of enjoying movies in another presence, not being around a stiff either which I never understood about others because to me in that case you might as well watch something by yourself. I never personally never had a problem with talking and laughs here and there (Yes here and there) and telling the other person to wait or shhh because something crazy or interesting is about to happen. Then there are some people that talks to wear it's to the point where it's unbearable to watch something with them..Then there are the others who are more severe.
I put them into different categories
1.) The causal commenter/talker- Oh look something is about to happen, might bring up I remember something like this happened to me etc. Now I guess I would be put into this category because of my talkative nature and to keep things interesting overall. Discussing some scenes etc but all pertaining to the movie in general. Asking questions like why did he jump from that building when he could have done something else is even ok to me. However some people will just start a whole random conversation about something 5 years ago or something that isn't even pertaining to the movie making people lose contact with what the movie is about. Sometimes it's ok to certain point I guess. Doing it excessively will only put you in Category 2. The Excessive Talker
2.) The Excessive Talker- Think of the casual commentator but they are off the leash. This is the most common type .
They are the ones who are quiet for 5 mins and soon as something happens, they would get really hyped, loud, and more though that isn't the bad part believe it or not...The bad part comes in when you notice that it is a different scene and for the last 10 mins they are carrying on about the same thing with no breaks in their speech. You can't even hear the movie for them talking on and on and then it switches into another atmosphere by then you notice you just missed or didn't understand half of the movie because of their loud mouth.
3.) The Fiddler- Now we are getting into deeper territory with Category 3, The Fiddler.
I know people need to check their mobile devices here and there or multitask a little bit, but ti's a whole other issue if that person is fiddling , holding their head down, looking everywhere else, not even showing interest in the movie and their whole aura says it. Then some even have the nerve to look up and ask what happened?? As if they should be told what they missed.
4.) The Most Obnoxious One-I believe we have one in every family and in mines as well. We all may take short breaks or omissions throughout a movie but then their are the ones who have the attention span of a 3 year old. No matter what they just can't seem focused on the movie at hand and they are all over the place. You know the ones who are getting up every 5 mins, on the way to a certain part of the house to talk with someone, fiddling this or that, having another conversation about other things elsewhere. I would not bother to watch movies with them because they will take all of the fun out of good times and ruin it. I just wonder why did they even decide to act like they wanted to watch something and wasting everyone's time.
There's probably another type out there somewhere though these are the most common types.
-Spiritus "The Dark Prince"