When our deceased loved ones visit

Whether one would like to deny it or not, our loved ones are still around and they are still watching and guiding us through the realm of the hereafter. Though these are some signs which are somewhat common to notice if they happen to be around you at that moment or time.
Now first I must say I have witnessed this personally myself and I was glad at what I had discovered. So now I present to you the signs to notice when a loved one is around.
1.) Dreams- Dreams are very common when it comes to meeting with a loved one especially if they have just passed from this world into the astral plane. They mostly seek to comfort you and tell you that everything is alright. I've noticed 9 times out of 10 the communication is usually non verbal and that is because spirits seek to speak to you telepathically. Though use this method to also reach out to them as well. You may be able to tell this isn't an ordinary dream because the whole feel is different than usual.
2.) Physical Signs- Spirits have a way to interact with physical objects to some degree especially if it is radio's, tv, phones, electricity in general. Why you may ask? It's all about energy you could say. These things maybe easier for a Ghost to use because if the flow of energy that is being permitted. Then again there have been times Spirits are able to move things off shelves, knock things off walls, songs to send a message, and get your attention through other physical signs such as in my personal experience which dealt, pictures and with a licences plate. Certain signs that will be made for you and for those who also may have known them such as family or friends. Objects may appear and disappear within days, or sometimes you may feel something or someone sitting on your bed next to you. Sometimes even if you're lucky enough they will reach out and touch you. Now as much as I love horror movies and I am a big fan of Horror, I must say it won't be where they will scare the pants off of you or do nothing like they will show in the films. Now you may come across something else that is and that is where you can feel this isn't your loved one but something else that is trying to invade. Quickly pray to whomever you pray to, stick to certain spiritual practices ( I personally have something for anything that wishes to get out of line but that is another story for another time. Lets just say I am on the path of a Spiritual Warrior.) and wish this entity to be gone. Don't really get involved too much with Ouija Boards--- (I will speak on negative entities soon, though for now just know you are in good keeps and your loved ones is watching over you and protecting you from these things as well.)
3.) Familiar Scent - Another sign that I have witnessed personally was this very familiar scent that I knew the person would usually have around them. It came out like a burst of air while me and other loved ones where gathered at a table. No one else had that scent around them but then all of a sudden it there it was. Now whatever the person associated with in life it would usually be that same scent afterwards, it doesn't matter if it was sweet perfume, or food for that instance. We often know speak about the 5 physical sense but thankfully this was a time you could say you've picked up on your other spiritual senses. (I will speak more on psychic abilities sometime later btw. In truth we are all pick up on these things. It's just how psychic are we? Just thank your beloved Aunt or etc for making that contact possible this time. )
4.) Hearing Voices- Now this may get scary to some. Though you are on this website for a reason aren't you? Though fear not when it comes to your loved ones, they are meant to help and guide you through a higher form and means. It's ok they will are not there to harm you. Hearing voices is one of the main acknowledgments upon seeing a sign from your loved ones. It may be very brief and usually it is, because it may take them a lot of energy to speak to you in a form you've once heard them in. Sometimes it will be clear like they are standing next to you, and most likely they probably are. Sometimes it may be muffled or barley audible but you could have sworn it was them. No you are not crazy things like this happens much as the mainstream may disagree, but it's funny now more are opening up to this reality because they can no longer hide from the truth.
5.) Apparitions - Ok one of my favorite ones because this one is most visible. Now how they may appear is different to different people. You may see orbs, flashes of lights, when you take pictures you may see brief glimpses of Aunt or Uncle, and then there is the biggest of all some may say and that is the full body apparition. This may be very scary to see because your mind can't interpret automatically how if someone that is suppose to be dead standing right before you . It just defies what most calls logic and reason. How could this be? There must be some type of explanation for this right? Yes, there is and you've just met your ghost face to face. To some they may only see an outline at first either because their spiritual sight isn't that strong, and or either the spirit doesn't have that much energy for you to see them in full. Though it is still a good experience and it may shock you for a little bit because seeing something like this will cause most to freeze right in there tracks even if it is someone you knew while they where living. Try to stay calm because once again they love you and are not here to harm, and sometimes these apparitions could be so physical it won't even look they tare even a ghost at all. In other words a person that you may comes across on the street may not be who you think they are. I heard many situations about how people where talking to someone who they though were alive only to receive a call the next few days or get notified that the same person who they were speaking to died. YEARS AGO!!!
These are some things to think about when it comes to spirits because in truth we never truly die and we are multi dimensional beings. I am in truth Spirit and I accept that I am truly Immortal, and like my motto says..Death is not the End, It's only the Beginning!!--Spiritus Leach. Stay safe and enjoy. Blessed Be )0(