Welcome to the New World!

Welcome to the new world of 2020 and beyond! This is a new world that we now live in and the old world that we've once knew have changed forever ever since the presence of this unseen terror that is a virus called Covid-19. Coming out around late 2019 and making itself a household name in 2020 then ever since then the U.S and abroad have been feeling the terrible effects. Nothing but gloom, doom and terror lurks about in this world and you see it everywhere and it is reported daily on the news. This is what we all now face on a daily basis and what seems to some as a dream or not real but it is every bit as real as death and speaking of death there is a grim figure that hovers over this world making it's presence more rapidly known. This isn't just the media and news outlets speaking of these occurrences but I've also knew people who I am close too who've also dealt with this and some have unfortunately not made made it through to see another day.
To say that this virus have not affected me would be not be in the least sense of truth. However compared to most people I just feel numb and another part of me just knows things have changed forever. Similar to the day after 9-11 and how that day sparked a new beginning in many lives as you could feel there was something different in the air. I've just come to accept that with all of the chaos and madness that goes on in this world we are now living in times what the ancient teachings and prophecies from long ago calls The Apocalypse. That is the only true word I could summarize it as to make sense of what is going on in these difficult times. This is one of the only words that comes to mind after seeing mass signs all around. Am I a Christian? No, In fact I am a Pagan and Eclectic Dark Pagan and Occultist.
Therefore I tend to be more open minded and just don't stick to one path or train of thought I see things from many different perspectives and as a spiritual being I see how certain religious teachings from long ago fits into the mysteries. With that being said the reason why I refer to these times as the Apocalypse because the word Apocalypse itself means revealing and what we have right now is a great revealing more than any other time in the world. Not only with technology but in the uprising, social justice, misinformation political spectrum. All of these things are happening for a reason and now is the time for The Dark Angel Of Shadows to come forth!!