Blessed Samhain
The Season Of Darkness is now upon us all and since the beginning of this month things have been changing leading up to this final night. The night when the two worlds meet, the day where our ancestors come back and pay us a visit, this is the day of Samhain. The Day Of The Dead! As a Pagan or outsider of mainstream religion I do recognize this dark night not as Halloween but a very ancient but yet spiritually fufillihing day. The Night of years end and new begining is upon us. The night where the gateway between this world and the other is very thin which will allow for magickal things to occur. The Druids knew that this day holds a special signifigance and held special customs and traditions on this night, also certain rituals as well. I myself have felt the presence of others who were around me at this time and space, many more strange things in time will happen as only this night goes on continuing into the new. Blessed Be