Spiritual Journey

Open the gateway! Let them who are worthy pass, let them who seek the inner mysteries see into the deep dark infinite space of the abyss for their is power in darkness as well as in light. Mostly upon my journey I have came from the inner depths of Darkness, to see the light to only see and enter the darkness again. You can take that however you wish whether it may be upon my arrival to this cruel Earth from Darkness, entering the light of life and then finall my physical body resting in Darkness-From The Cradle to The Grave. From my forfathers who came from the Dark Mother Continent or my other other ancestors who were Native who had seemingly strange and somewhat dark beliefs to be forced to worship a religion that praises the light and then returning or adapting their ancient practices. Last but not least from arrving from the dark abyss only to see the light spiritually and returning and adapting Darkness once more. The first lesson taught on my website is Darkness is not equal to evil, Darkness is simply the unknown, the uncharted terriortory that most men and women fear and they are taught to fear and have their mind kept in cages thanks to mainstream religions and in the rest of society. Darkness is where strange and beautiful things happen and Darkness could also be a place where eerie and terrifying things happen as well. It is up to the individual to see if they want to mix Darkness or take it to other places within the mind and soul. Also do not always look at darkness as the simple opposite of light as in good vs evil because some if that was that was the case then some things on the side of light may be deceptive and blinding, look at light and dark at it as a wonderful mixture. We all need Darkness in order to assisst us in our journey of spiritual growth because it creates balance and unity. In most cultures they view things as light and dark but you will actually need a balance of grey in some instances because if you were filled with too much light you may think you will always have to be postive but understanding the darkness you will understand it's ok to release those pessimesstic emotions before you may eurupt like a volcano. As you see it works out in both ways and almost all levels. Once again its up to the person of how much he or she has or choose to incorporate within themselves. Remember certain secrets are kept hidden and off reach in the dark though..